Curtain Call

Well, this is the last I expect you’ll hear from me until we’re ready to announce details of our 2025 season (usually mid-March).

It’s always bittersweet.

Part of me is ready for a bit of a break. (Millennium does take over a lot of my life, and about this time, my stamina does flag). But I also feel like things have come together so well, the teamwork has been amazing, and I’m loath to go off to my “other” life.

Some career advice I’ve discovered that applies here (and I share freely): is that the time to part ways is always just BEFORE you’re ready to go. That way, you carry the good aspects of your time with you, (mostly) untinged by bitterness. So, in that sense, the short season allows us to go out on a high note, and, I hope, to eagerly anticipate reuniting in the new season.

Before we put this season fully to bed, there are a few housekeeping matters to clear up:

Barbecue Thanks

Thanks again to Nicole for opening her backyard to us so that we could share some social time together. Those of us who are petless also really appreciated spending some time with the doggos!

I had a really lovely time. It was so nice to have a good crowd out and to see folks mingling so well. It was great to have spouses and family come out, too! I thought it was a just a nice way to cap the season. Don’t be surprised if this type of event is part of our next season plan from the outset!

Music Return

If you were not able to return your binder to us, please make arrangements to do this in the next few weeks. Contact to make arrangements.

Jeff works very hard to organise all the binders before the start of the new season. Every year, we have changes in our repertoire, so your binder will – I guarantee – be out of date next year.


We don’t really have a lost section, but we did find some stuff that we still have!

  • Saxophone Stand – we’ve had this most of the summer
  • Mystery Stand – it’s a black flared part of a stand for a mystery instrument recovered after our Aug 22 rehearsal

Please contact to claim!

I think I’ll leave you with some Brass humour to tide you over:

And so, parting is such sweet sorrow…

I wish all of you a wonderful, productive, healthy year. I sincerely hope that you continue to grow on your musical journey.

Happy playing!

See you in 2025!


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