Dress Rehearsal – July 11

Hi Folks!

We have some new business to cover before delving into the meat of this post!

We have another gig booked: Thursday, August 15- 7 pm – Concordia Village, 1125 Molson Ave. The Season and Performance pages for this year have both been updated on the website. Please mark your calendars. (We will be using the same program as on our Aug 10 concert).

Lost & Found

  • Lost: 1 Bucket Hat – Tan/Earth tones. Please let us know if you picked this up accidentally.
  • Found: 1 Saxophone stand.

The Plan

This week’s rehearsal will work a little differently as it is our dress rehearsal. The first half of our rehearsal will be a run-through of the programme below (in order). I don’t intend to stop or rehearse during this portion. After the break, we’ll cover any areas that need shoring up. If we’re all happy, we’ll move on to rehearsing other pieces.

  • Bb Scale (in canon)
  • 25 – The Blue Orchid Tango
  • 36 – Space and Beyond
  • 77 – Sesame Street
  • 71 – Garlandstone
  • 73 – Adagio Cantabile
  • 22 -The Stripper
  • 3 – Classic Rock ‘n’ Roll
  • 74 – The Final Countdown
  • 76 – Sweet Caroline
  • 63 – Hallelujah

If we have time, we’ll look at:

  • 9 – Arabian Dances
  • 57 – Wade in the Water
  • 60 – Dragonheart
  • 75 – Fanfare for the Unsung Hero

See you on Thursday!


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