I hope everyone’s had a good break from the routine!
There are a few newsy-type items to share:
- We DO have a rehearsal on Wednesday, August 9. I did blog the program (it’s another dress rehearsal!) after the last gig we had, so that’s up on the website.
- There is a CHANGE to our final performance!! We are now going to perform on September 9 at Bourkevale Community Centre starting at 4 pm. I have updated the relevant web pages – here’s the link to the schedule (for band members): http://www.mbmillenniumband.com/index.php/members/2017-schedule/
- We now have a ratified Millennium Band constitution! (Makes us all official and such!) Our constitution is pretty much in line with what other bands in the city have set up, with a couple of adjustments due to the nature of our ensemble. Part of the constitution states that it will be available to members at all times. After some computer wizardry, the constitution is now on our website under the Members page. We will ensure that, as the constitution is updated, older versions are always available. Here’s the direct link: http://www.mbmillenniumband.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/07/Millennium-Band-Constitution.pdf
That’s all I’ve got for developments at this stage!
I’m really looking forward to seeing everyone on Wednesday!
Happy playing!