Our second rehearsal of the season went really well! I’m very excited about what I’m hearing and am pleased as punch about our progress!
The next rehearsal is Wednesday, June 14, from 7-9 pm at St James Legion #4 (1755 Portage Ave).
Our rehearsal will be drawn from the following list of pieces (though not in this order!):
1 – The 80s
4 – Standard of St George
9 – Arabian Dances
11 – Cartoon Symphony
40 – Windjammer
58 – Les Mis
59 – Super Mario
63 – Hallelujah
64- Bolero
As I had mentioned at our rehearsal, we have inherited a box full of scores and Jeff will be bringing a new score each rehearsal for us to sight-read at the end of our warm up phase. Please do not add these to your binders or write on them! These will NOT be part of our repertoire this season, but if we like a score, it will be added to the binders for a future season. Please don’t be shy about sharing your feedback with me.
Now, for some listening homework. This is probably the hardest section from “The 80s.” I would recommend that you take a few minutes to have a listen or two in order to really get a sense of the groove. (Once we lock in, it sounds good. The problem is that we need to snap into it immediately and that hasn’t been happening for us. I think really getting that pattern into our heads will help).
Faith – George Michael
I hope to see you out on Wednesday, and, in the meantime,
Happy playing!
My apologies for missing the last rehearsal but a family need arose. I wonder if I could get the contact information for the fellow who looks after the binders or if he could contact me as I have a question.
Thank you
Hi Valdine – You can send any questions to info@mbmillenniumband.com. Any questions that come in to that address will be forwarded to the appropriate person for action and response. (Jeff – our librarian – does have access to the email account as our webmaster).